White Space (El Blanco's Archive):Chaos Theory:Aurielis

<-- About the Song This tune is heavily inspired by a mix of "Pearls Girl" by a group I was listening to heavily at the time called "Underworld". Another scener, Aahz, was starting one of the first ever streaming audio internet radio stations and approached me for some songs he could use royalty free to help get his station going. The theme was dance music and I threw together a little mix just for Aahz's LoudFactory. Versions Kombo Aurielis (small version) - 6/7/1998 Aurielis - 6/9/1998 Chaos Theory Aurielis (lf box mix) - 3/2/1999 Haunters Aurielis (lf box mix) - 12/8/2001

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All works, stuff etc (c) Mark Sanders 1992-2006 elblanco at untergrund dot net